Thanks to very generous donations to our Man High School Clothing Closet, we are currently no longer in need of donations! As always, our Man Community and Hillbilly families support our school and our requests for help. Thank you for supporting our students and helping us build a stronger community! Once again - thank you so much for your help!! #DonationDrive #CommunitySupport #ManHighSchool
6 months ago, Natalie Ellis
Man High School students honored Madison Middle School student Cohen Craddock today by wearing red and black in his memory.
6 months ago, Natalie Ellis
MHS Memorial Picture
The ECCAT program is a vocational CTE program offered at Man High School.  ECCAT stands for Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher and is a program that allows students to gain experience and possibly earn certification for a job as an early childhood level teacher’s assistant right out of high school.  In this program, the student will visit local elementary schools working in various classrooms as well as helping with the Pre-K story hour at the library in South Man. You are scheduled for two years in two class periods with Mrs. Ellis, earn 4 credits toward graduation, and be considered a completer of the program at the end of the two years.  As part of the program, the student will be given the option to take the Praxis test for FREE and also  the ECCAT certification test.  The student may also be able to earn college credit through the NOCTI testing program.  While enrolled in the program, the student will earn at least 150 hours of community service.  This course is designed to give the student the opportunity to gain experience in Early Childhood Education and see if it would be the right career path for him/her. Please see Ms. Ellis this week if you are interested in taking this program.
6 months ago, Christy Campbell
Help us kick of the new school year ... Join us on the front lawn at Man High School for the annual Billy Bash at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Please come out and join in on all the activities including FREE FOOD, cornhole tournaments, a foam machine, the GEAR UP Welcome Event, a rock-climbing wall (sponsored by our military partner Sgt. Runyon), and more. You may even want to take a chance to try to sink a Hillbilly staff member or fan in the dunking booth. We plan to have student schedules available for pick up during the event. We look forward to seeing everyone! Once a Billy, Always a Billy!
6 months ago, Natalie Ellis
Billy Bash Flyer
Man High School Freshman Orientation for 2024-2025 on August 13, 2024, at 5:30 pm Welcome to all our incoming Hillbillies and their parents/guardians - we look forward to seeing you Tuesday night. ~9th Grade Student and Parent/Guardian Must Be Present ~Parent/Guardian and Student will complete the Freshman Information Forms including Acceptable Use Policy and Social Media Release ~Pick Up Chromebooks ~Receive Class Schedule We are so excited to begin a great year together with you! Our MHS staff members can't wait o meet our new Hillbilly families. Hope to see everyone there!
6 months ago, Natalie Ellis
Welcome Freshmen Class of 2028
Man High School Picture Days for 2024-2025 School Year September 6, 2024: Lifetouch School Pictures for ALL Man High Students October 11, 2024: Prestige Portraits Senior Formal/Drape Pictures, Senior Group Picture, and Make-up Pictures for Underclassmen
7 months ago, Natalie Ellis
Picture Day
On Tuesday, October 3rd, Logan County Schools will be conducting an Active Threat Drill. The purpose of this drill is to ensure students and staff know what to do and where to go should an actual emergency arise. All schools in the district are participating in this drill. To simulate a real emergency, school buildings may be on lockdown during the drill, and there could be an increased presence of first responders in some areas. Don't be alarmed if you see flashing lights at your student's school, the emergency personnel are also participating in the drill. The safety of all students and staff in Logan County is the district's top priority. The drill will help provide district leaders with valuable information to ensure all schools have the most effective and up-to-date safety plans in place. Again, Tuesday, October 3rd, all of Logan County Schools are taking part in an Active Threat Drill. For more information about this drill, please check Logan County School's website or the district's Facebook page.
over 1 year ago, Natalie Ellis
MHS National Technical Honor Society and Goat Pound Graphics Plus simulated workplace class are hosting a blood drive Wednesday, October 4, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in the Gym. Use the link and schedule your appointment to help us lives by donating blood.
over 1 year ago, Natalie Ellis
American Red Cross
Man High School's Assistant Principal spent her final day with Man High students today. She will begin her new job as Principal of Ralph R. Willis Career and Technical Center. Man High students joined in a group farewell at the end of the Pep Rally today. Best of luck to you Mrs. Adams! Man High staff and students appreciate you!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Ellis
Farewell Cake for Mrs. Adams
Mrs. Adams Farewell
Picture Day is Friday, September 8 - Lifetouch will be here on Friday to take pictures on the stage in the gym. ALL students, including seniors, will take pictures to get the Student ID card. Seniors don't have to purchase anything, but please encourage them to take this picture. The Student ID can be used for admission to other school's dances and other instances where a student ID is needed for proof of enrollment or student discounts. The underclassmen and seniors have the option to purchase picture packages and they should have been given an order form in Mentorship. If not, they may see Mrs. Ellis in room 105. Senior Formal pictures and Senior Group Picture - Scheduled for October 13, 2023
over 1 year ago, Natalie Ellis
Lifetouch Picture Day Flyer
School Picture Day - September 8, 2023 • ALL students will take pictures on September 8, 2023, • ALL students will receive a student ID card • Online orders available from Lifetouch - see attached flyer
over 1 year ago, Natalie Ellis
School Picture Day - September 8, 2023
Parents this is an interesting photo to illustrate today's vape pens! See if you can locate the vapes!
over 1 year ago, Macel Adams
2023-2024 Man High School Bell Schedule - All students must be in class daily at 7:18 am. Students will report to their Mentorship class on Thursday, August 17, 2023, at the beginning of the day. All Mentorship lists are posted in the hallway by the front lobby. All students should check the list for their assigned Mentorship teacher and classroom number. Students will receive a copy of their class schedule in their Mentorship class. Chromebooks will be distributed tomorrow if time permits. We look forward to seeing all our Hillbillies back from summer break.
over 1 year ago, Natalie Ellis
2023-2024 Man High Bell Schedule
Man High School Student Agenda 2023-2024 Link
over 1 year ago, Natalie Ellis
MHS Volleyball working at drills to start the season!
over 1 year ago, Macel Adams
Volleyball Drills
Volleyball Drills
Attention Man High School Freshman Class - August 15, 2023, from 1:00-3:00 pm we will have staff at our front entrance to give out Chromebooks, schedules, Freshman student information forms, including Acceptable Use Policy and Social Media Release forms. This is for 9th grade students ONLY. A parent or guardian must be with the student to complete the necessary forms for the student to be issued a Chromebook at this time. We look forward to seeing our newest Hillbillies!
over 1 year ago, Natalie Ellis
Welcome Freshmen!
Pre-K and Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year begins tomorrow, Friday, February 24, 2023. 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Students must register in the attendance area in which they reside. For Kindergarten, your child must turn five years old before July 1, 2023. For Pre-K, YOUR CHILD MUST TURN 4 years old before JULY 1, 2023. 3-year-olds who are currently enrolled must re-enroll for the 2023-2024 school year.
almost 2 years ago, Lisa Teeters
Free math tutoring at MHS!
over 2 years ago, Macel Adams
Logan Daniels will be tutoring in afterschool free to all MHS math students!
MHS staff working hard on student literacy projects!!
over 2 years ago, Macel Adams
Literacy Project work!
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Logan County Schools, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, Logan County School District
App Notification